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Customer portal 'design mode'


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I'm adding a new tile to one of our main self-service pages.
We currently have a number of rows with five tiles each, which is enough for the width of the page at a fairly standard zoom level.

If I add a new row that just has one link/tile in it, it sizes itself differently, ending up a bigger box than the rows above. Even if I remove the border, it's still obviously bigger.

There are four blue things that appear if I hover over the relevant Links section, and the single tile will move further to the right the more of these I select -


I can't see any way to affect the size of the tiles, can anyone advise?


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Looking at your screenshots, I am presuming you mean the Employee (Internal)  Portal and not the Customer (External) Portal, as the former lags behind the former and does not currently have the concept of tiles.

As far as I am aware the width and height of the tiles are done automatically based on the the number of tiles on the row you set. I do not believe this is configurable. Therefore if the overall width is not consistent then this would be for Hornbill to investigate.

Given the time passed since your original post, might be worth logging this directly with Hornbill under your support option.




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Hi @Martyn Houghton

Yes, it's the employee portal, I'll try to be more careful - although we sometimes call our people 'customers' so always confusing.
Thanks for the comment and the suggestion, think I will raise a request with Hornbill.
Best, Jill.

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