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Complete reference mapping asset attributes

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Hi All,
Is there a complete reference document for all asset related attribute names? I could only find partial references, e.g.:

The names often don't match, especially in the conf.json files. Quite a few are mentioned in the ui but not documented in the asset attribute structure or for the conf.json syntax. Some appear mentioned in conf.json and asset structure, but not the ui. Etc.

Also several are not specifically identified as belonging into the Generic or Type portion of the conf.json's. Name and Description often appear in both.

I recently had some trouble using some date entries and could not find anywhere their proper json location and name syntax. It took many iterations of trial and error to figure it out. 

I mapped all I could find myself in the attached document. Perhaps this could form the basis of a reference doc if not already available? Perhaps this helps others. (I can't guarantee it's perfect though)


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Hi James,
That's very helpful and basically is what I'm after. Shows I have a lot to learn about the platform.
At first I struggled to find the  h_cmdb_assets_...  until I realised that entity explorer gives different results depending on Configuration choice - Service Manager or Platform Configuration.
So, yes I would have found the date options h_license_expiry_date and h_license_renewal_date I was looking for. 
Also by now I think I have a better understanding of the difference of the sections 'AssetGenericFieldMapping' and 'AssetTypeFieldMapping' and where to place attributes. 
Thanks a lot,

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