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James Ainsworth

Hornbill Product Specialists
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Posts posted by James Ainsworth

  1. For the initial development we are looking at weeks rather than months to start seeing some of the work completed. Service Levels and the associated timers are a very complex areas so we also need to keep in mind that following the development there will be a lot of testing required before it is available in a live environment.

  2. Hi Martyn,

    We have some exciting new functionality with Service Levels which is currently being developed and is not too far away from being available. This will include the ability to define 'Corporate Services Levels' that can be shared between different services as well as 'Service Specific' Service Levels.

    We are also looking at a providing a way to create rules to allocate a Service Level to a request by using criteria such as if the priority is X and the the site is Y use Service Level Z. We may even see criteria such as date ranges in the future.

    There are some planned changes for filtering the priorities that we will take under consideration after we have completed the work around Service Levels. I think that you will find that number of priorities won't be such an issue once the new Service Levels are available.

  3. Hello Martyn,

    Thank you for your post. We had originally considered adding the ability to upload custom icons for services but at this stage of development within the Portals we wanted to make sure that a consistent look and feel for users of the Portals could be achieved by using the set of provided icons. Having the ability to upload custom icons is still being considered for a future release as we understand that the provided icon set will not accommodate every scenario.

    There is a setting to change the colour of the provided icons which can be found in Hornbill Administration by selecting Hornbill Service Manager from the application selector in the top left and then under Settings on the left hand menu select Application. From here you can search for the setting guest.colour.common.icon and set the colour of the icons. This setting does apply to all icons and from your description you are possibly looking for something that can be applied to each individual icon?

  4. Feature Update - Suggested Solutions

    The provision of workarounds and resolution information on problem and known error records are a great way to feed potential solutions into Incident Management.

    Hornbill Service Manager provides easy incident matching to existing problems and known errors using the search and link options to create associations between related issues. Workaround or resolution information is fed up to the linked incidents, giving the incident owner the visibility of solutions which can be used to resolve their customer’s incidents. Accepted solutions are recorded directly into the incident resolution details for fast and accurate capture of resolution details.

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