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Albina Bardhi

Hornbill Staff
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Everything posted by Albina Bardhi

  1. Yes, indeed! I'm the one behind the videos, but the voice you heard is actually generated by an AI . It's great to know that you found the content helpful and informative.
  2. Hi @Lee C, What you saw in the video is a method used for text formatting. To make text appear as a heading as it appears in the video, we enclose it within '=' at the beginning and end. In the case of a variable like a customer's first name, it would look like this: =Hi {{user.fName}},= Additionally, for emphasizing text, we use the following conventions: To bold words, we enclose them within ''' at the beginning and end. To italicize words, we use ''. So, in summary, the syntax for formatting text is quite straightforward: Heading: =Text= Bold: '''Text''' Italics: ''Text'' I hope this clarifies things for you!
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