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Everything posted by CraigP

  1. Hi James We already do this (it's a choice between 3 teams). It is just that you then also have to replicate any subsequent tasks/nodes that use answers to the capture fields from the first task, and whenever I need to amend one of them, I need to replicate that amendment across all of them. It makes the BPM workflow unnecessarily bulky. But thanks for confirming I haven't missed anything!
  2. Is it possible to use the "Assign to Variable" option on Human Tasks to assign to a group rather than user? I've tried pulling in group details with "Get Organisation Details" and using this to feed the "Assign to Variable" field on a task. Neither the returned ID nor name properties seem to work. Am I using the wrong variable or is it just not possible to assign to groups or roles this way? The error says "The specified user <...> doesn't exist", implying it is specifically looking for a user. If this is the case, is there anything in development to allow the assign to variable functionality to be used for groups and roles?
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