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Michael Leonard

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  1. We also noticed that all formatting has been removed when emails are uploaded into Hornbill, Could this be why the attachments are being stripped off? Is there a setting to upload the full email with attachments, logo's etc rather than just plain text?
  2. Hi James, I am a Service Desk Analyst and have had access to these emails previously. Iv spoken with my Manager who is also experiencing the same issue?
  3. It appears that when viewing an email via a call it only allows me to see an email from an analyst and not a customer. Once I click on the view email tab on an email from a customer I get oops, you do not have access to this email?
  4. We have also had other reports from customers adding an attachment via email. It shows in the timeline the paperclip showing an attachment has been added but when you click view email its not there. Here is an example call - IN*16098 - 25/1/19 @ 10:47. Now when I try clicking view email I am being told oops, you do not have access to this email??
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