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Melissa Gurney

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Posts posted by Melissa Gurney

  1. Hi - I have been asked to post this on here by support.

    The look and feel of the self service portal will be administered by our web team. This is the only admin role they will require. I have created a custom role that includes the Application right of "ManagePortalSettings" but they do not appear to have been granted access. I have checked your documentation and wiki pages but cannot find anything covering this.

    Are you able to advise what rights the users will require in order to carry out portal administration?



  2. Hi, we have quite a few different priority levels that all have separate SLAs. When trying to set this up in the business process, I realised that decision nodes can only have a maximum of 3 outcomes. This means that in order to include all of our different priorities, we would need decision node after decision node. This makes the business process an awful lot more complicated than necessary.

    Is the number of possible decision node outcomes something that could be changed in the future?



  3. +1... This would be very useful and is also a question we have raised. Ordering the services alphabetically does not work for us as it forces some of or most used services to the bottom, which are then effectively "hidden" beyond the "Show More" button in the portal. We did try to number the services, but as soon as we hit number 10, the order was thrown out (e.g 1,10,11,2,3,4,5 etc.). We now have had to order our services by labelling them A, B, C, D etc. which is not ideal.

    It would be great if we were able to order these services as we choose.





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  4. Hi Mohamed,

    Thank you for your response. All of our assets have been imported by Hornbill support during our 30 day switch on. I see that you can manually go in to each asset and delete the brackets, but was wondering if there was a way to bulk-remove them.

    Mainly because it doesn't look great and may cause confusion to some.

    Please can you provide an email address so I may send the screenshot rather than attach it?

    Many thanks,



  5. Hello,

    We are currently going through the process of implementing Hornbill Service Manager and have asked the same question. To go through and manually add individual roles to each individual user is far from ideal. To be able to assign a group of roles to a user, or a role to a team would certainly assist in administering user access on the system.

    Has there been any further discussions on this topic please?

    Thank you,


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