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Posts posted by LifeOfJonny

  1. 2 hours ago, Steve Giller said:

    As far as I'm aware "Security Error: 1" indicates that the system is unable to verify the session. Unfortunately this is always a generic message to avoid exposing security information.

    This could be as simple as a very brief connection drop preventing your session being authenticated for that transaction, so I think the best course of action would be to trap that error and re-present the data when the call returns a failure with this error (ensuring that this does not create a loop, of course.)

    I shall script around the problem like you proposed.

  2. This is the function that calls the API, encase it's needed, but like I said it different assets serials that error, and some times when the script it ran, it doesn't error at all, but usually it errors once or twice a run.

    Function GetComputerBySerial {
        param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$serial)
        $assetDevice = $null
        # Build XMLMC API call    
        # params have to be in the expected order.
        $filter = '[{"column_name":"h_serial_number","column_value":"'+$serial+'","operator":"Equals","isGeneralProperty":false}]'
        Add-Param       "resultType" "data"
        Add-Param       "assetClass" "computer"
        Add-Param       "filters" $filter
        # Invoke XMLMC call, output returned as PSObject
        $xmlmcOutput = Invoke-XMLMC "apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Asset" "getAssetsFiltered"
        $jsonData = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $xmlmcOutput
        # Read output status
        if($xmlmcOutput.status -eq "ok") {
            # Data return is corrects
            if ($null -ne $xmlmcOutput.params.data)
                $assetDevice = (ConvertFrom-Json $xmlmcOutput.params.data)[0]
                return $false
        } else {
            # API call status not OK - return status and error to console
            WriteOut "API Call Status : $($xmlmcOutput.status)"
            WriteOut "Error Returned  : $($xmlmcOutput.error)"
            WriteOut "Error as JSON : $($jsonData)"
        return $assetDevice


  3. Hi,

    I have created a PowerShell script, which gets data from our asset system and inserts/updates the Hornbill Asset system, using the Hornbill API.

    When it checks each asset to see if anything needs updating, one out of the 1000s will error with the below, but it's never the same asset each time it runs, it'll be random device with a different serial number. The lookup uses the devices serial number to find the asset in hornbill, then update accordingly.

        "Status":  "fail",
        "Params":  "",
        "Error":  "FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Asset/fc_ops/getAssetsFiltered): Security Error: 1"


    Is anyone able to elaborate what this error actually means?


  4. Hi,

    It would be useful to also have Division as a request list field just like department, so you can see which division a customer belongs too. Hopefully it's not too much hassle to add this, feel liek since department is there already, probably isn't much leg work to add division.

    Added to this request list of fields you can use for columns.


  5. 6 minutes ago, Victor said:


    We have performed a hard cache reload on front end apps which we believe was causing the patch not to take effect. This has now been addressed and request list should be accessible now.

    Still not working, and tried another computer I've not used Hornbill on, to rule out any form of local cache.

  6. Any updates on this? Some examples of what I would change below but the drop-down options for things like Analyst need fixing as the names are barely readable.

    I thought the dark theme was still classed as experimental but can't see any mention of that now on the UI.


    Better row highlighted colour

    // servicemanager.css
    .use-dark-mode .sm-requests-list .requestlist-row .is-customer-updated-1  {
        background-color: #065599 !important
    // <style>
    .sm-requests-list .requestlist-row .is-customer-updated-1 {
        background-color: #065599 !important



    Fix SLA

    .use-dark-mode .request-stats {
        background: transparent !important;
    .use-dark-mode .request-stats-sla {
        background: transparent !important;



    odd white border on comment buttons

    .use-dark-mode .btn-as-action {
        border-color: grey !important;


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