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Posts posted by bernie

  1. Hi @Victor,  the reason I logged it there is because the Id is returned from an API request and I'm curious as to where via the API I can query this Id.  I only mentioned the system logs because that's where I found an entry in the 'EspApiTransactions' log that contained the auditTransactionId and details of the change I made to an asset.  From that I could determine a possible API call. 

    It is merely a general enquiry.  As I use the API more, I'm looking at what options I have for auditing.  For example, if changes are being made the audit Ids could be logged, which could then be referred to later on if there is an issue.  The 'EspApiTransactions' log as is stands now does have some potentially useful info.  I can see when and what was changed and by whom.  If the logs are going to change soon then I can hold off for now; but the information I need might be available elsewhere and the logs therefore won't be required.

    Hi @SamS,  Sorry I can't find which API operation to use for 'h_sys_audit_trail.h_txn_id'.  Would I have to create a custom query (queryexec)?


    Thanks both.


  2. A number of the API methods return 'auditTransactionId', such as 'data::entityDeleteRecord'.  I'm curious as to where if at all you can query these.

    I've had a look at 'system::getLogFileRecords'.  If I query the 'EspApiTransactions' log I can see the Transaction Id in the message and the details of what was carried out.  There is an input parameter 'filterTransactionId', but this has to be an 'xs:unsignedLong' value.  I can't see any other log that might contain a TransactionId column, so not sure where that input parameter could be used.



  3. darn it, somehow it posted whilst I was still typing, and it wouldn't allow me to edit it :)


    Anyhoo, here's the full post:


    British summer is here (apparently), and now that I'm working on code that relies on dates and times of change requests I've noticed that different formats are being shown depending on what I query.

    E.g. If I query a request using 'apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests'  - smGetRequests' I get:

    h_datelastmodified      : 2020-04-01T08:17:49.000Z

    If I query an asset using 'data - entityBrowseRecords2' I get:

    h_last_updated      : 2020-04-01 08:41:47

    Or 'apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests - smGetReqDetails2' I get this stored in RequestDetails:

    h_datelastmodified        : 2020-04-01 08:17:49

    and this within the 'requestcalltype'

    h_start_time   : 2020-04-01 10:00:00

    but 'requestBpm' shows:

    lastUpdated  : 2020-04-01 05:46:33Z


    I've seen other posts mention about wiki markup and date time formatting.  UTC formatting is no problem.  In fact it's better for me as this can be easily converted.  The problem is that other date formats such as those shown above are stored in GMT format (probably based on our profile), it's inconsistent.

    It would be nice if they were consistent across the board (all UTC or all specified by our profile).  Is there anything I can do to our setup (instance) to correct this?

    Or do I just have to assume that if times are not in UTC format that they are assigned as GMT (based on our profile)?  That's not great as I would therefore have to include additional code to handle the date check and BST each time I decide to use said values.


  4. Hi ArmandoDM

    At the moment I'm looking at the possibilities of linking:

    Asset -> Asset

    Asset -> Request

    Asset -> Service

    Whilst investigating the UI activity of these processes I can see that Asset -> Asset sets the relationship type as '1' and '1' (left and right).  With Asset -> Request the left relationship is 'request'.

    When you link an asset from within a request via the UI the reltypes (left and right) are set to '-'.

    I know that when you use the UI there are no options to specify the relationship.  My assumption is that depending on where you are in the UI and what entities you're linking the XML request reflects this (in other words it's out our control and dealt with automatically).  However, via the API you effectively have free reign as to what you submit within these fields;  it's only validation (whether that's mine or Hornbill's own checks) which will prevent the wrong things being applied.  But RelType doesn't seem to fail or even provide anything as metadata in the UI anyway (at least from what I can see).

    So is this purely an aesthetic (information) field?



  5. Hi Steve,

    Thanks for the response.  I've now found I can query these using 'appOptionGet'.

    One thing though, upon experimenting with the relationship types it appears I can actually supply anything, whether it's a potentially valid array integer (e.g. '0') or the name 'Connected to', and even something that doesn't actually exist.

    The linking still works (no errors) but there doesn't appear to be any difference to how the link appears (using launch explorer).

    Should I see a difference in how the links appear or does this relationship type information exist elsewhere?


  6. I'm using the linkAsset API call to (yup you guessed it) link entities.

    This works well, but I want to be able to query and validate the possible values for the following parameters:

    leftEntityType xs:string required once The entity type of the first entity to be linked. (Asset, Request etc)
    leftRelType xs:string optional The relationship type of the first entity to be linked. (Connected to, Installed On etc)
    rightEntityType xs:string required once The entity type of the second entity to be linked. (Asset, Request etc)
    rightRelType xs:string optional The relationship type of the second entity to be linked. (Connected to, Installed On etc)

    I did find one possible option for leftRelType 'com.hornbill.servicemanager/RelationshipTypes::get' but that doesn't seem to come back with anything.

    I can also see in the schema info:

    h_rel_type_l (Left Relationship Type) - The type of relationship in the context of the left item to right item, for example "Installed On", "Connected to", "Depends On", "Child Of" etc

    h_rel_type_r (Right Relationship Type) - The type of relationship in the context of the right item to left item, for example "Has Installed", "Connected by", "Used By", "Parent Of" etc


    Are there API calls I can make to look up valid values or if they're just hard coded, what are they? 




  7. For me the API is my best friend.
    Using the entityUpdateRecord, individual fields can be changed.


    Details of this can be found here:

    https://<ZONE>api.hornbill.com/<YOUR HORNBILL INSTANCE>/xmlmc/data/?op=entityUpdateRecord

    I.e. Use your existing hornbill URL (FQDN and Instance) and add '/xmlmc/data/?op=entityUpdateRecord' to the end

  8. I've seen some posts regarding tags for requests.  It would be nice to have tags for assets too.

    Just like adding tags to a new topic in this forum, it would allow me to sync tagging currently used for deployed resources.


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