Hi Team,
we're looking to update the existing version of the Hornbill Data Export with the latest version 2.0.0. However, we seem to be encountering some difficulty.
When running the exe (as an administrator):
1) the documentation (Hornbill Data Export - Hornbill) suggests on the first run that it will prompt for an API Key and our instance name, however it only prompts for our instance name. Is this expected?
2) After typing our instance id, the next line states "Export Configuration not found". We can't understand why as the cmd line argument has been included, the filename specified is correct, and the conf file is in the latest format.
3) The next and final output is "Could not encrypt authentication details!". What's this referring to, the export.cfg thats apparently created or is it suggesting a problem with the keysafe entry, or just can't find the keysafe entry because it can't find the conf file with the keysafe entry ID?
The log doesn't output anything more, even in debug mode. Can someone point us in the right direction?