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Val C

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Posts posted by Val C

  1. Hi Victor,

    I am trying to produce a report of task activities that were either created or completed on a specific day for specific service ids, which is why I need to link the task activities and request tables and limit it to a specific day - we have various other reports that do this and they do work, however the task activities report and the call diary report (using created and updated dates) are the only two that aren't working.

    Any help troubleshooting would be appreciated.

  2. Hi Steve

    Thanks for you help on this, it's really appreciated.

    I have tried with both JOIN and RIGHT JOIN and both report runs return 0 rows.  However if I remove the date filter (but keep the request and task tables  linked), the report returns the maximum of 25000 rows.

    Is the date filter timing out and if so, is there any way to add a date filter to the report without it timing out?

  3. Hi Steve, thanks for your reply,

    I understand that the data preview returns a max of 500 rows, but not why the report returned 0 rows.

    The time period I am using is tasks created on value is greater than 27-02-2024.

    When using the tasks table linked to the requests table, 0 rows are returned, however when the request table link is removed and only the tasks table is used, the report returned 517 rows.

    Any ideas on how I should do this to get results when the report runs please?

  4. Hi Jim, thanks for your reply.  
    1. How do I check the sql limit?

    2. When I run the same report without the link to the request table, I get 517 rows returned instead of zero.  When I've run other reports that have maxed out they return 25000 rows not 0.  
    What I would like someone to explain is why the Data preview returned rows and the repot does not, and why when the the task table is linked to the request table it returns 0 rows in the report but when not linked it returns 517.

    Any help in getting the linked report working would be gratefully appreciated. 

  5. Hi,  We have limited it to a single day using your variables for start and end of today, and using an actual date 2023-03-10, and it produces the same result using the updated column.  However using the published column works and produces a reports with a couple of thousand rows.

    Can you tell me if these columns are different in the way they are structured, or whether the updated date has changed in some way. 

    I cannot see how one would work and the other would not.

    Please help

    Thank you

  6. We have used the dynamic variables, however where including updated used to return rows for the reports, we are now getting zero processed rows, but the data preview shows rows being returned.

    Has the Updated column been changed in any way which would explain why the reports isn't processing any records.

    To clarify, one day the report was working and the next it wasn't.

    Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.


  7. Hi Steve

    When we first set up the extract report, we used the Updated column and the Published column to pull rows that had been updated/published today.  This stopped returning rows as I assume that it is now timing out due to the restrictions you have in place.

    The preview (limited to 500 rows) shows that the filter criteria does return rows, however when running the report, it results in a Processed [0] records message on completion.

    Can you advise how we can extract a daily report for h_buz_activities so that we can load this data into our data warehouse using the goHornbillDataExport tool?



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