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Posts posted by SteffenT

  1. Hello @James Ainsworth, thanks for your reply!

    We started testing now after the update, and we can definitely see a change. This time however the buttons for choosing which request form to open were completely unresponsive. Thankfully this did not occur in incognito mode, and a quick clearing of the cached files in the browser cleared the issue for the most part. After this the only issue is that the buttons initially appear unresponsive, as it sometimes seems to take a good second or two for the page to "react", and for the selected request form to open. It did however open the form directly instead of showing a blank screen, so that is good progress!

    Now we are cautiously waiting for our phone lines to open and see how many of our 3,000 odd users are affected by this new problem, hehe. (We thankfully have a documentation made on how to clear browser cache from previous runins with the blank screen issue as you mentioned).

    Will update if we discover something more.

  2. Read through the threads from the past few weeks to see if this topic has been discussed already, but couldn't find any post on it. Let me know if this has been posted already.

    A couple of weeks ago our users reported that they were met with a blank screen in place of the request form when choosing any request, the only option being the default "Cancel" button in the top left (says "Avbryt" in the screenshot below, which is "Cancel" in Norwegian).


    (We are on service.hornbill.com/XXX)

    We started troubleshooting, and found that this was must be new as it was occuring on all of our PCs in the IT support team aswell. Someone discovered that if you clicked "Cancel" and went back to the page with the different requests, and then clicked on the same request it suddenly loaded like normal. This also proved to be 100% reproducible, and we informed the users who called us about this temporary workaround. We have since tried things like using different browsers, incognito mode, and clearing cookies and browsing history (this has fixed a similar bug in the past, where the request would't load at all), but nothing seems to help with the problem.

    Personally I was on holiday when this first occured, but from what my coworkers tell me there was a bigger update to the Hornbill a few weeks ago, which apparently broke the entire service. Most problems seems to have been fixed, but this blank screen issue has persisted since.

    Hopefully someone can shed some light on this or provide a magical fix, let me know if I can provide any more information.

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