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Gareth Roberts

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Posts posted by Gareth Roberts

  1. Hi Josh, thanks for the reply.

    To be clear, we'd like the pass the whole UPN in the script, so the "user name" followed by the domain - so in ITOM we'd like a field to add a UPN, and and populate it with something like "firstname.surname@somedomain.co.uk" which would get passed throuygh ITOM to the script - we currently have a PS script which does this:

    $upn = "firstname.surname@somedomain.co.uk"

    New-ADUser -Name $DetailedName -SamAccountName $SAM -UserPrincipalName $UPN



  2. Good afternoon,

    I was just looking for a bit of guidance if you have any on what permissions are required for the service account to be able to run automation in Active Directory (specifically the Active Directory Group Management, and Active Directory User Management packages)? I have the SIS set up, and have discovered a nearby DC and it is managed in ITOM. I have added creds that I know can create users, by testing it in ADUC. However, when I try to run a job from ITOM, I keep getting the following error: 

    Remote job creation failed. It was not possible to connect to the remote system. Access is denied.

    If I sub out the creds for Domain Admin creds, it works with no issue. If I make the service account an admin on the DC, it works with no issue. However, based on least privileges, I simply can't make that service account a Domain Admin when it only needs to create and edit users. I've tried providing it with RDP permissions, making it a member of the Account Operators groups, but nothing else seems to work. I know this isn't so much a Hornbill issue, but was wondering if you'd come across this and had any guidance on it.



  3. I've been trying to use the Database Import tool, using a csv, but I am unable to import the State and Substate information into Asset Management. I have CSV and an json file that works as long as no attempt is made to sync information to the state field (h_record_state according to the conf_example_csv.json example file provided with the tool). If I include a mapping to a CSV field in in the h_record_state or h_operational_state fields, then the import fails with the error

    [ERROR] Unable to add asset: A database or query error occurred while inserting the primary record data into the database. (table=h_cmdb_assets, pk=XXX)
    [DEBUG] API Call XML: <params><application>com.hornbill.servicemanager</application><entity>Asset</entity><returnModifiedData>true</returnModifiedData><primaryEntityData><record><h_class>computer</h_class><h_type>2</h_type><h_last_updated>[a date]</h_last_updated><h_last_updated_by>Import - Add</h_last_updated_by><h_used_by>[user details]</h_used_by><h_used_by_name>[user details]</h_used_by_name><h_used_by_name>[user details]</h_used_by_name><h_name>[laptop info]</h_name><h_asset_tag>[]asset tag]</h_asset_tag><h_description>[laptop info]</h_description><h_record_state>Active</h_record_state></record></primaryEntityData><relatedEntityData><relationshipName>AssetClass</relationshipName><entityAction>insert</entityAction><record><h_type>2</h_type><h_dsc_cf_fingerprint>[fingerprint info]</h_dsc_cf_fingerprint><h_name>[laptop info]</h_name><h_model>[model info]</h_model><h_manufacturer>[laptop manufacturer]</h_manufacturer><h_description>[description info]</h_description><h_serial_number>[serial number]</h_serial_number></record></relatedEntityData></params>

    I have made sure that the values in the CSV match the State, and as it stands I cannot find the database field to sync for Substate - though these bit of information are key to making this import worth it. I don't fancy setting the state and substate on a few thousand assets :( I've attached a text file which is the JSON i've been using (with sensitive info removed).

    Help much appreciated!


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