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Inaccurate unread notifications counter


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Hello all,

My colleagues and I have been having some issues with the unread notifications counter. It is showing that one has X unread notifications, but when clicking on it there is nothing and the counter disappears for a few minutes before popping up again. It is showing 7 unread for me but 25 unread for one of my colleagues.

For example it might show this: https://i.imgur.com/wi1RkCr.png, but when clicking on the workspaces view there are no workspaces with unread messages. (https://i.imgur.com/7iPFiHP.png) After refreshing the webpage the counter is magically reset to '0' before popping up again after a few minutes.

Does anyone have any idea as to what might be causing this?

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Hi @Alex8000

From the issues I've seen in the past, there are several cases that can affect the synchronisation in the counters.

1. If you have more that one browser or tab or even the mobile app opened and the same time, one can mark as read the messages without noticing.

2. People can also delete a comment they've just posted and you will only see the notification, but nothing on the actual workspace.

What browser are you using?



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Hi Alex,

 how about the "Openbare Werkruimtes", are there any counters along-side the workspaces listed here?

Its possible that you were mentioned in a workspace and you were removed from the workspace before you read the post. This would mean the counter still shows that you have unread posts, but your "My Workspaces" filter will not show these workspaces.



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Hi @Daniel Dekel,

Thank you for the suggestions!

1. I don't have multiple tabs open with multiple workspaces, but I can't speak for my colleagues on this one. This would not explain why they keep coming back unfortunately.

2. Our workspaces aren't that active i'm afraid :) People rarely remove a comment after posting, and when they do it would be in the order of one or two per week.

The entire organisation is using Google Chrome.

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Hi @DanielRi,

There are no workspaces under the 'public' tab. My colleagues are experiencing the same problem, and some of them have 25 'rogue' notifications. Being mentioned in a workspace for 25 times would take about a month here ;) 

I just had it switch to 13 for some reason before vanishing again. This is getting interesting!


Best regards,


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Hello @DanielRi, @Daniel Dekel, all,

First of all happy new year! 

I have confirmed that this is currently affecting all our analysts and that is has been for a few weeks. Is there a specific table I can check through the admin user for unread notifications for users to see if something might be going wrong there?

Best regards,


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Hi @Alex8000,

Happy new year to you too! Hope you had a great time.

Making a query for this table is quite complicated because there are many joins you have to do to make some cense out of the data.

Do you know if these notifications are mentions or normal comments? I'm investigating this now, but there can be a defect if someone mentions you in a workspace you are not a member of and in that case you will not see it in the workspace specific counters. Can this be the case?



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Hi @Daniel Dekel,

Thank you! I sure did.

I am 99% sure that there are no workspaces within our instance that I am not a member of. I am however 100% sure that I would not be mentioned 13 times in workspaces I am not a member of. Every analyst is experiencing this problem, and most of them have 'rogue notification' counts of 20+. It may be worth it reaffirming the fact that these counters suddenly appear, but when navigating to the workspaces screen they suddenly disappear.

When it occurs again I will send screencast of the phenomenon and post it here.



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Hi @Daniel Dekel,

It just happened to me again. Situation: I had Hornbill open on the workspaces view.

1: Screenshot of starting situation: https://i.imgur.com/07sdosv.png
2: When clicking on the notifications icon: https://i.imgur.com/0LSlLqH.png
3: When clicking on the 'Mentions' tab of the notifications menu: https://i.imgur.com/iCt6aAN.png 
4: When clicking on the 'Dismissed' tab of the notifications menu: https://i.imgur.com/xFWMN4z.png
5: Clicking on the 'Home' button in the menu bar or refreshing the page makes the notifications disappear: https://i.imgur.com/LGnQXS7.png

Hope this helps, let me know if you need more!


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Hi @Alex8000,

The problem appears to be coming from the Chat App, that was a defect and was released so you can go and update the app right now.

The app is generating extra notifications and is not possible to view them but even by updating the app the notifications that are already there will not be removed.

I will be speaking with our support team to remove the extra notifications that are already there. Either me or support will contact you about this.

Thanks and sorry for this issue.


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