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New Improved Email View


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We have created a new email view which has enhanced functionality to make working with emails within our shared mailboxes more flexible and a better user experience.  A previously deployed preview of the mail view identified a number of issues pretty quickly that we have now worked through so the new improved view will be rolled out this week. However, this time each user will need to opt-in to try the  new view and can switch between them as they wish.  


It's worth noting that this is the route we are taking with the email interface, the current view will no longer be developed and we will switch permanently to the new email view at some point in the future. The reason for this change is that we have some pretty nice email functionality that will be delivered over the coming months which we need to lay a foundation for.  Our shared mailbox functionality has always been an admired feature of our solutions but we want to take it up a notch or two.  Unlike a personal mailbox, a shared mailbox needs a good workflow in order to be an effective tool for a team, this is where we will be putting our focus.  Please try the new view and let us have your feedback.

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  • Gerry pinned this topic

Hi @Gerry,

Thanks for the update. 

* With the new update, i'm still unable to scroll down to see more than the latest 20 emails.
* I would prefer another way to showing the unread emails. Now there is only a blue bar in front, which could easily be missed. Is it possible to have that complete section in another colour?




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Guest gregmarcroftorc

Hi Gerry,

Some comments/feedback I have:

  • It still appears to be showing emails from 6 months ago at the top of our inbox. There are 2 unread emails, and then the third email listed says '6 months ago'. Not sure why that is? 
  • In the old version. when we click on the email, it opens up in a new view. It doesn't seem possible now. Is that something that can be kept? Would like to have the option to fully open the email, by double clicking for example.
  • On outlook, we can play around with the size of the email preview on the left hand side. Basically the screen on the new Hornbill is split roughly 50/50 between preview on the left, email on the right. Can an option be included to do the same as outlook where you drag the left part to be smaller so that the email content expands on the right hand side? Would have less need for the second option if that was the case.



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* At the top of the list there is an "Order By" option which should be set to Date, then the Arrow next to it should be pointing down, click either to change, they are personal preferences. 
* You can click at the small icon on the right hand side of the email item on the list to open on a full view. You can also press Ctrl+Click to open it on a new Tab or Window.
* Please see the image attached, there are controls at the very bottom of the list to control what you see and in what proportions, we have tried to pick the best options.


* The scroll is a virtual scroll, if you scroll down to the bottom,  more will load, you may depending on the size of your mailbox have to wait half a second or so for the auto scroll to load more data
* We have tried a few variations of showing unread emails, none of which proved to be better.  We have adopted the almost exact same approach as both Office365 and Gmail which both have pretty much the same presentation. We will continue to look for ideas as to how we might improve that

Thank you,



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Good Morning @Daniel Dekel,

Unfortunately this is not working, for me. I'm on Chrome. I will ask a few colleagues to check if this function works for them. I will get back on this.

On 9-12-2016 at 4:01 PM, Daniel Dekel said:

* The scroll is a virtual scroll, if you scroll down to the bottom,  more will load, you may depending on the size of your mailbox have to wait half a second or so for the auto scroll to load more data

Also, when I'm on a lower resolution screen (1366 x 768) and I have the navigation panel set to small I only see a quarter of the screen. When I expand the view, this shows as normal.

2016-12-12 08_11_10-.png2016-12-12 08_13_43-.png



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Hi @Daniel Dekel,

I have checked this with a colleague and the paging is working fine, he is also on Chrome. I've checked it with IE on my machine and then it works. So it looks to be something with my Chrome install. I've deleted my cookies and history but still the paging is not working. I will reinstall my chrome to see if this helps.


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I've identified the issue with the blank space in the emails list it, it was related to your specific screen resolution. It is now fixed and will be in our next release. I am not sure if this could be related to the loading more emails in that same list because I was unable to reproduce the issue. But once you get the release, please let me know if it works.



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Guest gregmarcroftorc
On 09/12/2016 at 3:01 PM, Daniel Dekel said:


* At the top of the list there is an "Order By" option which should be set to Date, then the Arrow next to it should be pointing down, click either to change, they are personal preferences. 
* You can click at the small icon on the right hand side of the email item on the list to open on a full view. You can also press Ctrl+Click to open it on a new Tab or Window.
* Please see the image attached, there are controls at the very bottom of the list to control what you see and in what proportions, we have tried to pick the best options.

@Daniel Dekel Thanks Daniel, that is all useful to know.

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Hi @m.vandun,

Is very strange. I've tried installing that Chrome Extension and I still couldn't replicate the problem. Would it be alright if we organise a meeting where you can share your screen and maybe I can se some more details about the problem?

If is OK with you, to avoid sending our details over the Forum, if you could send an email to our support and the time you will be available for the meeting (using GotoMeeting) we will send you back an email with the details.

Thank you,


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Guest gregmarcroftorc

@Gerry @Daniel Dekel

Hi both,

Would it be possible to make emails that have been read, not appear in bold? I know the blue vertical line indicates when an email is unread, but I think it would be better if only unread emails were showing in bold. This was how the former view looked in Hornbill, and is also the same in Outlook. 


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@Daniel Dekel

As we recievie and hold a large volume of email, the summary of the date information into hours or days ago makes it harder to locate specific emails where we have recieved multiple emails from a person within a hour/day. You have to hover of the summaried date to get the full details. Would it be possible to have a date display format as a user or system seting?

At the moment you can only sort by Date, Flagged and Status. From, To: (sent items) be optionas as well?

Would alao be good to have a textual 'Filter' option as well.

In terms of the notificaiton and refresh of the mailbox we are also experiecing the view not being updated automatically on all users who are in the mailbox, as demostrated to your colleagues. 




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@Daniel Dekel

In terms of the filter it would be good if this can work on email address, subject line and if possibel the message body.

Also when searching our mailbox archive folders, we create a folder for each month to retain the source emails so that they can be accessed via 'View Email' option in the Servicr Manager Request, it would be good to be able to use a date filter with the option set and before and after criteria, given we have around 9,000 emails a month.




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Hi @Martyn Houghton,

I will write a not about these things and see what is the best way to make these work.

Regarding searching, at the moment there is a search option, quite basic but it will help you searching on the Subject and Body of the email.

We will look for improvements around this area, but in the mide time it might help.



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@Daniel Dekel

One of the issue raised by our 1st Tier team, is that when you raised a new request or update an existing request from the email preview window, the email is not being marked as read, so when it then gets automatically moved to the archive folder, it still show as read. The process of raising/updating a request should set the emails status to read at the same time as moving to the archive folder.



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Hi @Martyn Houghton,

Thank you for your post! We have an API within the mail service, which will allow us to cater for this. We are currently investigating our options to plug this capability into the options to 'Apply to Request' and 'Raise Request' within the Mailboxes view. We have raised a change proposal.



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Thanks for coming back on mark as read issue wihen raising/updating a request from the preview window.

@Daniel Dekel

One of the other observsations our 1st Tier team has made is that they would prefer the greyed star and selection boxes to be visble all the time rather than them onlying appeating when you hover over them. This is more aesthetic than functionial, just that they found it a bit distracting when working in the mailbox all day.



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