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Request List Status Totals do not populate intially

Martyn Houghton

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When you first login to your session in Service Manager and go to the Request List the Totals under the Filter window do not get populated with the number of records in the appropriate status. This will stay in this state until you click on the on one the status selections to get the totals to populate. From that point on the totals will then update when you change your selection within the Request List view for that session.


However when login a fresh again the totals do not populate again until you manually click on other status selections. Can the totals be updates when the request list view first loads, as this has lead to some of our staff not realising they have a number of incidents at the 'New' status.

I have replicated this on both Chrome and Firefox, so seems to be an application issue rather than browser one.



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Hi @Martyn Houghton

I haven't seen this happening anywhere up to now and I can't seem to replicate myself, is this affecting all users or just some?  Also is there is any particular home view configuration you may have set? If so perhaps you could give me an idea of the settings so that I can see if it has anything to do with that?



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Hi @Martyn Houghton

Thanks for the update, we've still not been able to replicate this locally, the only time we have seen anything similar locally is where we have had a browser caching issue which caused the request list code to be out of date and hence not load the view correctly.  I know you have tried different browsers so its unlikely to be that, but perhaps its worth trying to clear the browser cache on one of the affected cases to see if it makes any difference?  In the meantime I will log a problem for this so that we can investigate further.



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@David Hall


Have tried this in Chrome and Firefox after clearing all history including cookies and if is consistent. The only thing I can think of that might be releated is that we are using the default home view functionailty.

Given this seesm to be instance specific I will also rasie via support as well.



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@Martyn Houghton just to clarify, this issue where totals are not displayed until you click on the link and they refresh: This issue occurred for the users whereby the default home view record (the infamous JSON string ;) ) was missing, in other words the value for this setting was empty. For "things" to work correctly, Hornbill needs either a valid JSON string as a value for the home view record or no record at all. I believe in our last advice we suggested to delete these "empty" records which should have fixed the totals issue.

The issue should not occur for users with a valid home view or with no home view at all.

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