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Team Assignment issue since Upgrade


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After upgrading to 2.36.4 this morning the incident summary popup (shown following progressive capture) shows that there is no Team assigned when in fact there is. Clicking on "View" shows the incident with a team assigned.

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Thanks for your posts.  I did just want to add to this that we are looking at some options for changing the confirmation popup.  The confirmation currently displays Summary, Team, and Owner.  When raising a request all of these are optional criteria and there are cases where these will all be empty and then the popup becomes meaningless.  It may also be the case where a Progressive Capture script includes the assignment to a team or agent, but the BPM workflow reallocates to a different team or agent.  This leaves the person raising the request wondering why the confirmation is showing a different team or agent than what they had selected.

The first thing to identify is how the confirmation is being used.  I see two main purposes.  One is to give the agent some type of indication that the request was successfully raised, and the other to have at least the reference number of the request so that if required this can be read back to the customer as a reference.

I believe that the conformation should simply be a recap of the progressive capture responses and the provision of the reference number.  It is the inclusion of team and agent assignments that occur after the raising of the request through the workflow that seems to be causing the confusion and which I would like to exclude.

I would be interested to get some feedback to understand how our customers use the confirmation and if the suggested change described above would have an impact on the way that you work?



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@James Ainsworth As we are not yet live I may not be the best person to comment on this BUT I think the team & owner assignment information is very useful. Especially where the person raising the request may not be a member of the team to which the request gets assigned. 




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