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Request Search - Historic Updates not included

Martyn Houghton

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We are approaching 6 months of using Service Manager live having migrated from Support Works. However my analyst are still logging into Support Works to use the search facility to locate historic requests and previous occurrences of issues. 

Though we have migrated a proportion of our previous request, the global Request Search does not search the content of the 'Historic Updates' linked to the request, therefore you can not locate references to the issue being searched for in either closed historic request or active requests transferred over.

Can the indexer component linked to the global request being modified to include the historic updates as this will mean analyst no longer need to log into Support Works to find previous occurrences of the issue.



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Hi Martyn,

Thanks for your post.  We do have an existing change in our backlog to extend the searching to include the information in the Request Timelines.  We will make sure that this works with the historic updates as well.   This change has not been scheduled yet.  I'll keep the post updated as it progresses.



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@James Ainsworth I was just about to create a similar porting when I spotted this.

During testing I realised that the search facilities do not encompass updates (or anything else to my knowledge) on the timeline.

This is something that is a problem for us as we constantly search both active and historic requests for information within the request. Hopefully this is something you can get on your development board in the not too distant future.



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Being able to search the Timeline is something that our Security / Risk / Compliance users have raised. They have raised that they often have to search for specific terms / servers / phrases which often appear in Work notes / Timeline.

Are there any timescales, i.e. Q1 2017 for the implementation of this change?



Jamie (PSG)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for your continued feedback.  Although this has not yet reached our development team in order to provide a delivery date, the interest in this post about the searching does allow us to review and progress the change accordingly.  We will continue to update this post as it progresses toward development



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  • 3 weeks later...

@James Ainsworth

Just to give some furhter content to the requested extension of the Global Request search to include timeline and historiic updates, this is the most common question we get asked again and again by our 2nd and 3rd Tier Analysts. They are still opening up Support Works to do the serch of historic records to try locate previous occurrences of the issue/error, even though it will be in the both the requests we transfered over and in new requests since we migrated, but they cannot locate it with the current search capabilities.



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We have just gone with Hornbill and I agree it would be so useful to have a search in the timeline. It would be handy if in the view you could add 'I am a member off' instead of flicking through all different views. And if a call has been updated an email to be sent to all the members.

Apart from that Hornbill so far is doing what it should be.

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@Dave@crown It's really interesting that as a fellow recent convert to Hornbill your experiencing most of the same issues as my team. 

Searching the timeline is critical for us too especially with regards compliance (our auditors will not be happy). I could probably live with searching a reduced set of data if this woudl ease the system impact concerns. What we particularly need is search of updates and emails.

We also desperately need the ability to notify a user when there is an update to the request. We can not expect them to go to the portal to check. As a result we are having to use the email function constantly for user communication which is counter productive as it seems to further reduce the users likelihood to use the portal since they just reply to the mail.

These two issues in particular seem critical for all users of Hornbill.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its been just over a month since the last update from Hornbill - useful to know whether this has got to the development team yet.

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I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that we have the ability to search for key words within timelines.  We are heavily audited with audits scheduled for later this month and during April.  It will prove incredibly difficult for us to provide the evidence required to satisfy our auditors requirements if this is not in place.  Please can this be escalated.  Thank you.  Julie Mills

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I would just like to add that this is something that has been asked again and again by a number of our first and second line support teams. A number of our teams require the ability to search for items in the timeline and find examples of where issues may have happened before. The search functionality at present is very limited.

Thanks, Melissa


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  • 1 month later...


We are now at a stage where development are looking at the ability to include Request Timeline information in the Global Search.   It is important to point out that the original topic started with the searching of the history on requests that were imported from Supportworks, so this thread is discussing two slightly different topics.   We are starting with the Timeline search and we are still investigating the searching of imported requests.

For the searching of the Timeline from the Global search I am hoping for some news over the next week, at which point I can provide a better estimate for completion.  However, performance and testing will be an important part of this feature so it is still possible that it takes longer.  I will keep you posted.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm pleased to let you know that in the next update of Service Manager (946) includes a new Search Tools feature within the Global Search for Requests that will provide an option to select the Timeline as the search area.  When the Timeline option is selected this will also return results from Historic Requests which were imported from Supportworks which will be displayed on a separate tab.

More information about the Search Tools on the Global Search for requests can be found here.


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Next planned SM build to be deployed is currently 954..but this can change :) We usually refer to next build/update in live instances as any build "greater" than current... so in this case the timeline search feature will be available in SM build > 944. When James advised on the next update the current build at that time was 946, however this changed since... so best to use "greater" than, to avoid number confusion :)

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As mentioned early in this thread, we wanted to make sure that performance was suitable for this feature and that large searches would not impact the use of Hornbill.  Our initial tests in a live environment have highlighted that there are some performance improvements needed before we can make this available.  This does mean that it is not likely to be included in the next update.  I will keep you posted on our progress.



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@all - To confirm, the new functionality - the ability to search request timelines from global search - is not included in the latest SM build (954) deployed to live instances this morning. Most likely it will be introduced in the next update. As James suggested, we need to overcome some performance challenges before we can safely make this available.

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@James Ainsworth @Victor Thats a blow! I have a meeting next week regarding compliance due to an inability to search the timeline. This would have been great timing.

Separate topic, but I understood that custom status's would also be in this update and they don;t seem to be there either. These were the two key features we are eager to get hold of.


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