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Basic users no services in portal


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When our basic users login to the service portal, they are not presented with the available services.

They only have the option to change their profile. When the "standard" licenced users login they can view all available portal services.

I`ve checked the services and in terms of subscription they are configured as "This service is available to everyone".

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Hi Paul,

 this is most likely due to the roles your basic users posses. If your Basic Users are to access the "My services" section of the portal they will also need the "Self Service User" role. 

Information can be found on the Hornbill wiki but essentially the concept is this; All Basic Users must have the Basic User Role associated to their User Accounts. In addition to this, they will have a range of other roles depending on what content they will be required to consume in the Hornbill Service Portal.

At present, only Service Manager makes content available via the Service portal, but in future other apps may do this also. Information on roles can be found here: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Roles

Hope that helps,

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If you navigate to  Home > System > Organisational Data > Roles in Hornbill Administration, find the "Self Service User" role using the quick filter and click to view the role details. There is a tab towards the right hand side labelled "Assigned Users". Click that tab and I assume you will be presented with an empty (or nearly empty) list of users. There will be a group of smaller button towards the top right of the list, one of which will "Assign all Users". Clicking this will associate the role to all users (Basic and Full application users) but there is no harm in full application users also possessing this role.


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I have checked our configuration and we have Basic users with the two roles below to allow them access to the Service Portal.


So it should allow you to add the Self Service User to a basic account. I tested removing it and adding it back to one of our basic users via the Admin tool in case it was down to a recent change in the admin tool, but that works as well.




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Hi Paul,

 I understand. I've just queried this with dev and it seems the operation of the "Associate to All Users" button hasn't evolved to accommodate Basic Users, but they have acknowledged the need and will look to introduce the capability.

Are you using the LDAP import utility to populate your basic users?


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Hi Paul,

 when run, the LDAP import utility works by the following principle. It will evaluate the Hornbill UserId  in relation to the contents of the Active Directory field specified in the conf.json Field Mappings. If the userId does not exist in Hornbill, then a new User account is created in Hornbill. If the UserId already exists, the utility will check to see if there are any values it needs to update including any Hornbill Roles specified in the "Roles" section of the conf file.

If there are any new roles, they will be appended to the existing role set. I would suggest amending your conf file to ensure the "Basic User Role" and "Self Service User" role are specified in your conf.json (as per the wiki page: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/LDAP_User_Import) . There is also a setting that you may need to amend to ensure that role changes are applied on Update (this relates to the attribute "userRoleAction").

This will have the effect of associating both the new roles to all users.

After doing the above and running the utility, you may want to revert the userRoleAction just to "Create".

Hope that helps,

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