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slowness when raising tickets


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Hi guys - so ive noticed this for a while but its really coming to the forefront this morning, when we are logging calls its taking a long time to 'log the call' in the system once you press the finish button. this morning it is taking 15 seconds per call, for calls with a bit of workflow, see flow below (31/10/16 - 08:42) or about 8-10 seconds for 'simpler' calls,


ive tried stripping the workflow back as you can see below, but it made absolutely no change to the time it took to log, is there anything else I can do to improve this?


the first flow is how the process started - I noticed this was taking 15 seconds to 'log', so I thought itd strip it back and see if I could speed it up, but after it still takes 15 seconds,

is there some sort of a delay programmed into your database somewhere or something?





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This is something we're continuing to look at so that it's faster for everyone, however there is something you can do now to make the logging of a request much faster. There's a system setting called experimental.bpm.spawnAsync which will log the request without waiting for the BPM to finish. You should see the times drop dramatically, but please report back if that's not the case.

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@Adam Haylock Feel free to switch this on, it will certainly make logging requests much faster! If you quickly move to the request details, you might experience a tiny bit of jumping as the business process catches up, but that has been addressed and included in 2.36

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