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Issues when searching for translationstrings


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Hi all,

I am experiencing some issues when searching for specific translation strings. This is happening with about half of the strings I search for.

For example when searching for ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager I get the following:

When I then search for ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.email nothing shows up..

Am I doing something wrong? This is quite irritating for when you wish to translate certain aspects of the application.

Also, does anyone know the translation string for this one:





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This particular one is called: user.view.requests.title

Our approach to translations has evolved so is a little disjointed when looking at certain areas but it's something we are looking to address.

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5 minutes ago, cchana said:

This particular one is called: user.view.requests.title

Ahh... No wonder I didn't find it, haha.

5 minutes ago, cchana said:

Our approach to translations has evolved so is a little disjointed when looking at certain areas but it's something we are looking to address.

If you need any feedback on the translation functions let me know, We plan on translating the whole thing to Dutch. 


Any ideas on why I can't seem to find those strings? Should I be searching for something else/somewhere else?

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Hi Riz,

Thank you, I found the user.view.requests.title string!

My original issue is with a certain number of other strings which show up when searching for the general ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager string but not when searching for more specific sections as  ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.email. The first two screenshots in the original post display this strange behaviour.



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Hi Alex,

Regarding some string not show up, which could be part of the other app, if I understand your question correctly.

Easy way to edit translation using "Translation Mode", once you enabled it you can see underline under label text which has translation available to edit per languages, you will needs to right click on label to get translation popup, hope this help.


Translation Mode.png


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Hi Riz,

Thank you for the suggestion. I have tried translating through the translation mode but found that a lot of buttons were either not translatable, were easily missed in the translation or threw errors such as this one:

I find it hard to believe that the string I am looking for would be part of another part of the app. All screenshots were made in the 'Service Manager' translations section.

You can check this out yourself by going into the Service Manager translations and search for ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanagerYou can see a 'substring' of  ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.email in the returned list of translations. Next, try searching for this 'substring' by appending 'email' to your query.   ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.email.  does not return any strings.

By the way, are you using Greenshot as well? ;-)



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Good Morning @cchana,

Since you so wonderfully showed me how to translate that one string, I was wondering if you would be able to point me in the right direction with regards to translating the following:


I have translated all lists of every module and translated every guest.* string of every module.
Completely stumped as to why I have not managed to translate these!



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Hi Alex,

Thanks for your post!

I have investigated and found that there are 2 translations are missing which I have added to the app, this will be available in our next release, here are the translations which is available.

Service Portal Translations

My Requests

My Organisation's Requests
Awaiting Feedback

Customer Portal Translations

My Requests
guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.servicePortal.requestlist.filter.myRequests [MISSING]

My Organisation's Requests
guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.servicePortal.requestlist.filter.myOrgRequests [MISSING]
Awaiting Feedback

Regarding your previous post, sorry I did not get which translation you have mentioned, can you send me that translation string so I can check it for you?
I use LightShot (http://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html) which is very light weight and easy use and assign print screen key whenever I take screenshot.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

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Hi Riz,

Thank you for the elaborate answer! I spend all my time in the customer portal as we only provide service to external customers.  I'm pretty sure you switched the headers above the translation strings though. I can find all three of these strings in the customer portal but not in the service portal (which is alright because we don not use that one ;-) )

After checking I found that I had already translated all three strings for the customer portal but the translations don't seem to 'come through' for some of them. This horrible MS paint creation shows what I'm talking about.

The first arrow - Waiting for feedback - this works!
The second and third arrow - My requests and Organisation requests respectively - don't seem to work. 
The red box - Are the translation strings for this drop down box also missing?



The orginal post was about problems I was experiencing when searching for specific translation strings. This problem seems to have solved itself overnight. Don't you like it when things solve themselves?
Also, I hope my piece of MS paint art doesn't cause too many headaches.



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Hi Alex,

I have added following translation for both portals, we will try to include this fix in our next release.

Customer Portal

Service Portal

Nice artwork with MS Paint, it's self explanatory :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @riz,

Thank you! I worked really hard on that masterpiece.

I think there have been five releases since October 18 (builds 856 through 864 in our update history tab), but I can't seem to find the translation strings! 
The following strings for the customer portal unfortunately don't return results:

  • guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.portal.home.requestView.active
  • guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.portal.home.requestView.closed

Also, I can't seem to find the 'Awaiting Feedback' one as well for the customer portal..

By the way, did you mix up the Service and Customer portal in your post? I would love myOrgRequests and myRequests translations for the customer portal, which would be guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.portal.etc  :)



Edit: So the ones we need and are having issues with:

  • guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.portal.home.requestView.active
    Can't find
  • guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.portal.home.requestView.closed
    Can't find
  • guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.Portal.requestlist.filter.myOrgRequests
    Doesn't work? is configured
  • guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.Portal.requestlist.filter.myRequests
    Doesn't work? is configured
  • guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.Portal.requestlist.filter.unknown [Awaiting Feedback]
    See below for screenshot of current situation
Edited by Alex8000
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Hi Alex @Alex8000

Sorry for late response, I have just check in our release notes and this fix was not included as part of our last release, but this will be available in our upcoming 2.36 release (scheduled next week) you should be able to translation once you update to that version and here are the translations strings to be updated

Customer Portal
guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.portal.home.requestView.awaitingFeedback (common translation for button and dropdown item)

Service Portal

Hope this help!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @riz,

I found and translated all of the above, thank you!
I'm almost done translating the Customer portal, just two more (small) things I can come up with. Are these implemented yet? I can't seem to find them.

1. https://i.imgur.com/zwwGBUb.png and other statuses displayed here. These seem to ignore other translated availability strings.

2. https://i.imgur.com/GilY4yL.png and https://i.imgur.com/iCX9Kdl.png

After these we should have the entire thing translated!



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  • 3 weeks later...


@m.vandun we already have translation for "Post Something New..."


@Alex8000 You can change status translation for below string, we do not have translation for "Add to Favourites" and "Remove Favourites" but I will add these missing translations and will be available in our next release

ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.servicePortfolio.status.nostatus (No Status)
ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.servicePortfolio.status.available (Available)
ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.servicePortfolio.status.impacted (Impacted)
ui.app.com.hornbill.servicemanager.servicePortfolio.status.unavailable (Unavailable)

Best Regards,

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Hi Mark, @m.vandun

I able to replicate this on my development instance and have reported to the dev team to fix the issue.

@Alex8000 sorry we do not have any cheat sheet but I agree would be very helpful, normally we search translations in admin to find strings which is quicker I guess :) 


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Hi Mark, @m.vandun

Thanks for reporting these translation issue!

I have investigate and found following translation which is working on my instance, can you please check and let me know if its works for you?

user.core.like (Like)
user.core.comment (Comment)
user.core.procapture.navigation.finish (Finish)

sorry where these Finish button comes from? regarding "a few seconds ago" text which is comes from third party component and I have reported to the appropriate team to update the translations or maybe we already have it in our system, I will give you update on this when I get response.


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Hi Alex, @Alex8000

I have included the translation for Favourites and will be available in our next service manager release, translation is same as where you find in service details page.

guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.servicePortal.home.panel.addFavourites (Add to Favourites)
guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.portal.home.panel.addFavourites (Add to Favourites)
guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.servicePortal.home.panel.removeFavourites (Remove from Favourites)
guest.com.hornbill.servicemanager.portals.portal.home.panel.removeFavourites (Remove from Favourites)


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Hi @riz

I've checked these settings and they are translated. In the customer portal these are still in the original language.


On 7-12-2016 at 4:00 PM, riz said:

user.core.like (Like)
user.core.comment (Comment)
user.core.procapture.navigation.finish (Finish)

2016-12-09 08_42_29-Administration _ Translations.png2016-12-09 08_42_57-Administration _ Translations.png2016-12-09 08_43_21-Administration _ Translations.png2016-12-09 08_45_36-Hornbill Customer Portal.png2016-12-09 08_47_29-Hornbill Customer Portal.png


I have found another one that needs to be translated. This is the screen that popups when you give feedback on a request. Do you know where I can find these?

2016-12-09 08_46_34-Hornbill Customer Portal.png



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Hi Mark, @m.vandun

Thanks for your post !

Following translations works fine on my instance, have you refresh page or clear browser cache? let me know if you still having issue with these translation after clearing the cache then I will report the the appropriate team.

user.core.like (Like)
user.core.comment (Comment)
user.core.procapture.navigation.finish (Finish)

Here are the customer feedback popup translations, I have tested and works on my development instances.


No Thanks

Not Now

Customer Feedback

Hope this helps!

Best Regards,

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