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Question not visible in the App


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Hi @nasimg

Thanks for your post.  That is correct that these are not yet available on the mobile app.  With many of our features we will look to develop and release in stages.  In this case the question and answers were made available in the portals and full client where they can be used and allow customers to provide feedback.  Since the availability of the custom questions we have had some good feedback and a number of improvements made.  We do have a change proposal in place for adding the questions section to the mobile app which will be prioritized and scheduled.  



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  • 3 months later...

Hello - I think I may have the same question here...

Almost all of our progressive captures contain questions in them. We have a few teams that are a mobile entity (calls are sent to a mobile for them to work on remotely) so have been using the app to do this. Unfortunately, it would seem that the app does not show if there are any questions that have been answered. This is where the majority of the call details (asset ID etc etc) are presented, especially on calls raised through self service. With this hidden, the app effectively becomes useless as the details of the call are not visible to those using the app.

Am I correct in thinking this? If so, surely this is something that needs to be addressed rather quickly as it is a crucial functionality problem with the app?

Many thanks,


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If you need to address this more swiftly than the Hornbill development cycle will allow a potential workaround would be to copy the answers to the Questions into the Timeline at the start of the Business Process.
This would put the information where the mobile app can access it and see you through until the Questions section is available within the app, at which point you could remove the copying section from the BP and continue as normal.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Melissa,

Thanks for your post.  We are continuing to review this change and it is progressing up the list.  Having multiple customers respond in this forum post does help us prioritize the change.  We have hundreds of great request from our customers and we will do our best to keep these feature coming out in our apps.  I can see how this particular requirement does have an impact on the general use of the mobile app so I will see what we can do to progress it.  I'll keep this forum post updated with any updates.



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