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cant get email notification to work


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guys - can anyone help with the attached error im getting? im trying to get a process to auto-email, but it doesn't want to work for me? ive had it send to me own address(gary.exley@alexander-dennis.com) but doesn't seem to like dl-it-sd@alexander-dennis.com

also, is it possible to send to more than one address? ive tried separating the addresses by , and ; - and none of these seem to work?

also, is there any way of viewing the error messages we get properly? as you can see by the screenshot, it seems to cut off some of the error text?


screenshot shows the error message I receive, how my node is configured, and the exchange account detail to show the email address.




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Hi Gary, 

I agree that the error message isn't particularly helpful and it is something that we are looking to improve. In the mean time, to see the full error, you can log into the Admin Tool and view the server service log, filtered by errors.

Looking at your screenshot, I would suggest that the email template you have specified is probably invalid. Are there spaces between the '-' in your template name?

(ADL - problemresolved vs ADL-problemresolved)



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