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Dynamic Drop Down Sortby Error in Progressive Capture

Martyn Houghton

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We have an existing progressive capture which has not been updated for several months, which is valid, active and operational. When I make a copy of this to test some proposed changes, but make no change at all and attempt to save/activate it reports an error referencing an issue with the Sortby function on a dynamic drop down field.


I suspect the issue has been introduced by the enhancement for the sort order on dynamic drop down list using simple lists as the source. I have quite a lot of custom forms in the PC, so is it a matter of just opening up each node to refresh it or do I need to go into each dynamic drop down field to set/reset a sort order to resolve this issue?

When I go into a field the sort order is displayed, but I presume this is just defaulting in the UI and the underlying value prior to going into the form is empty so the PC will not pass validation until it is populated.






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Hi Martyn,

We have identified the issue, but looks like it will need a core fix. So in the meantime i am removing the sort by and order by properties for the dynamic lists. Will see if we can get it out today.


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I think this might be a different issue. That error normally indicates that you have  invalid characters, mine where always spaces, in the form id of one of your custom forms.

It could be with the changes to the Admin Tool, that the validation criteria has changed in someway, which is why the error disappeared and then came back.



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Hi Lyonel,

We fixed and pushed out the Save and Validate issue with the sort by param yesterday lunch time, so that will be why that works ok now.

As Martyn says the formId issue will be due to spaces or other special chars in the formId. This should just contain aplha numeric chars and underscores. It should not start with a number.

Unfortunately our serverside validation doesn't pump out useful error messages. I will add a client side validation check.


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