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Calls open over x days


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Hi Pete,

No Problem

  • First thing, is that I'm going to make an assumption you are looking for a simple count - so I would use a List Of Counters widget. 
  • The next thing is to set this up for one team to start with - I always try to understand exactly what I am trying to extract from the system, and name it relevantly - so in this case my Widget will be called "No of Open Incidents Older than 90 Day (1st Line Support)" - this pretty much tells me exactly what to put in the criteria.
  • Now when I create my widget, I simply need to specify that criteria. I find using our reference on the wiki here helps with the table names. So in this case:
    • h_status = 'status.open' or h_status = 'status.onhold'  - This will return any requests that are open, or on hold, and exclude resolved and closed requests
    • h_requesttype = 'Incident' - If you want to specify a particular request type
    • h_fk_team_name = '1st Line Support' - This is the team the request is currently assigned to
    • h_datelogged < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 90 DAY)This is a little different - this is using a SQL Function to get the current date and take away 90 days.We are then saying "If the date the request was logged was less than (before) todays date minus 90 days, we want to include it". There are plenty of resources online regarding SQL Functions, especially for dates and they can be used for many purposes so they are worth investigating if you have a requirement such as this.

So using the above, the config of your widget will look a bit like this:



and the widget itself, with a little formatting, will look like this:



And once you have your first Widget, you can simply use the "Save As" feature to take a copy of it and amend the specific criteria - for example, your next one may be looking for the same but assigned to your second line team, so just change the name, maybe the colours and importantly the one line of the criteria to h_fk_team_name = '2nd Line Support'

And once you have all your widgets, you can place them on the relevant dashboards. There are other ways to view this information in Dashboards and Reporting, but I hope this was what you were looking for. Let me know if you have any questions. 

Kind Regards


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