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I applied two updates to Service Manager today, the second one seems to have wiped out the progressive captures set against each of the catalogue items

Has anyone else experienced this?

We're looking to go live next week but we can't have an update knocking out these settings especially when we start getting users to use the service portal


I spoke to one of my colleagues this morning and he had changed one of the progressive captures

Does that wipe it out in all the catalogue items so you have to select it again?

The capture didn't get set inactive at any time

It looks as though the other catalogue items that use different progressive captures are still ok

We've just tried making a change on another progressive capture and that didn't wipe it out against the catalogue


Found the issue, the capture process had been turned off

I've turned it back on again and we didn't have to go through the catalogue items and repopulate it :)

Fell free to delete this post if you want

Guest Ehsan

Hi Pete,

Glad the problem is sorted now :).



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