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Widget Chart - SQL Group By missing options

Martyn Houghton

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I am attempting to create a Wdiget Chart using the SQL Group by option to show the current availability of my 1st Tier team based on h_sys_accounts table and the h_avail_status. I can create the chart but some of the options that where visible in the previous admin tool do not appear to be present since the new admin tool has been rolled out. In particular you do not seem to be able to specify further chart options or setup the drill down facilities.

I check the wiki and linked video, but these still refer to the old admin tool. Is this a known issue?





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Hi Martyn,

Drilldown options were removed as these widgets, dashboards, slideshows are deemed for use on "on the wall screens" which would be none interactive. Also the drill down features for most widgets didn't actually do anything useful and once we put it in we got requests asking that it drill into application specific content. For example showing data list of service manager requests it was asked that when clicking on a request to show that requests details etc . As the admin tool is application independent it means such features are not possible with the current widget structures so it was deemed appropriate to remove the feature.

Settings like chart type will be either bar, pie or line depending on the type of data source. For example only multi-series data source will allow for line charts and other options may be affected as well.

We haven't updated the wiki to reflect these changes or our videos. I will speak to our pre-sales team to see how we can get these updated as soon as possible.


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Thanks for the response. As we use the measures for reports, the facility to drill down on the details for the measures is still required through the User Interface to display the saved data columns or am I missing something in terms of how we access the saved data columns?

An update to the wiki/videos to take into account the recent changes would be a great help, as I am still unclear on how you custom in particular the SQL Group by charts compared to the interface in Support Works.




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