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Disable actions on certain actions using the Task Node


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Quite often people forget to do a certain action before progressing with the call. This has lead to calls being broken or have not progressed properly which gives the Service Desk extra work to resolve properly.

For example:
- Someone logs a call using a certain Service and starts to email the customer, then resolves the call there and then.. forgetting that they need to complete the tasks and stages

- Someone goes through the tasks, but halfway through they resolve the call... leaving half the stages still unchecked

- Someone couldn't be bothered to go through the process.

What I would like is to be able to do is  disable certain button / actions from being taken from within the call at certain points. There could be a section on the Automated Tasks and Human Tasks node called Actions Control which when Configure Actions? = "Yes" it will then show a list of actions below on what could be enabled/disabled, such as email, update etc.

Maybe this mock up screenshots might explain better:
Actions Control Hornbill.png

1. At the point the process gets to this task, it disables the Update, Email and Resolve buttons.

2. If the next Task Node has Configure Actions = "Yes" and Copy from previous? = "Yes" then the next Task Node will copy the same as the previous task node

3. If the next Task Node has the setup as in step 2 above, the user can still enable Update button and leave Email and Resolve disabled if they require.

4. If the next Task Node has Configure Actions = "Yes" then it will hide/greyout the Copy from previous? dropdown box and the buttons choices below.

It will help give us further control to help force the user to follow a process if used properly. This should be used in conjunction with any type of Task Node.



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Hi Ralf,

Yes we've come across that too. It would be nice to be able to automatically complete/reomve a BPM task but this I can imagine is difficult due to the sheer number of tasks that are created on a daily basis.

My idea helps provided a greater level of control to the calls to make sure it's going where it needs to, while we can disable certain actions in the Services Setup area - hopefully it could be done from within a call via BPM.



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  • 10 months later...

Hi @samwoo

I came across your post and see that it wasn't responded to.  Apologies for that.  The good news is that we are looking to start work soon on a feature that is very similar to what you have suggested.  You may have seen that in a resent update we provided a feature that allows you to lock the details section of a request from within a BPM workflow.  We now plan on extending this to the different actions items in a similar way to what you have described.  I will let you know how we progress over the coming weeks with this.



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  • 1 month later...

I just wanted to let you know that we have completed the work on a new feature that will let you control the access to the different actions on a request.  It is in its final stages of testing and we are likely to see it in a build toward the end of next week.

Here is a video that shows how this works.





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