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Business process "Stage" available as column in the request list view


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I was wondering if the current "Stage" (not checkpoints) of a call can be added to the possible list of columns on the Request List?

The reason is mainly for the Change Request owners to be able to into the list and see what stage the Change Calls are at, they export the list to a Spreadsheet so it makes it easier to filter on. They don't use most of the columns anyway so adding this will not clutter it for them.



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Hi Samuel

Thanks for the post.

Have you considered using boards for exactly this purpose?

Here you can define the lifecycle stages of your change process, in the Board lists. Using the Business Process Engine, you can automate the moving of requests across the change lifecycle as the tasks and stages are complete.

Giving you a real time bird's eye view of all changes in flight across your change process?

This is equally applicable to any other process.

Here is an example.


Boards can be shared with teams and individuals and here is some useful reading to get you started:

Boards: https://wiki.hornbil...x.php/My_Boards

Business Process Automation, specifically the Boards content under Nodes: https://wiki.hornbil...rocess_Workflow

Does this help?


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Hi Steve,

Thanks for responding. I believe they are already using boards, they just wanted to produce a CSV list that can be printed for meetings, having the Stage on there would benefit them when it comes to filtering the list / putting it in a certain order based on the meetings they are having.



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  • Victor changed the title to Business process "Stage" available as column in the request list view

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