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Automated Task - Place On Hold

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I'm having some trouble with the 'Place On Hold' automated process, the format of the 'On Hold Period' box appears to have changed. It used to look like this:


Now it looks like this:


This is generating this error:


Without the split boxes which used to be used when entering a manual 'On Hold Period' I need to know what the appropriate Date/Time format is to make this work again.


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Hi Matt,

Have fixed the formatter so the input should have the 5 inputs for you to set # Years, # Months, # Days, # Hours and # Minutes. The fix is currently in beta and once the support and apps team verify it is ok it will be released to live.

In the mean time the format is

P<number of years>Y<number of months>M<number of days>DT<number of hours>H<number of minutes>M

If for example you just wanted 1 day 2 hours and 30 minutes the format is:-


The flowcode script should run ok so long as it is formatted correctly....however there is no real indication this is actually whats caused the error, because in your screenshot the format there is correct.

Will let you know once support and apps team have looked at it to verify the flowcode itself is ok.


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Hi Matt,

There was an issue with the input param 'Update Timeline'. This should be a fixed list of options 'Yes' and 'No'. The length of the text entered here in your screenshot was causing the problem as it was not being handled. This has now been fixed and will be available in the next service manager release.



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