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Unable to amend the BPM workflows

Guest gregmarcroftorc

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Guest gregmarcroftorc


Since the new update to the admin tool, we seem to have lost various access rights etc and it has removed previous things that I had set up over the last month. The newest one I have found is my ability to amend the Business Processes and Progressive Capture.

I was able to do this before the last update, but now it is telling me I don't have the rights to do it.


In the roles section of the previous admin tool I was able to add myself to "Business Process Manager", but I can't locate this within the admin tool. Is there a different one to select now? This is where I selected previously:




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Guest gregmarcroftorc

Ok thanks Victor.

If I spot any more issues, I will raise on here, but hopefully most have been spotted so that they can be fixed in the next release.


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Guest gregmarcroftorc

Hi again Victor.

Please can you manually give me access to be able to amend the Progressive Capture in admin as well? It's giving me an error message like on the BP one that I posted further up.



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Sorted. Just a side note, if your user has an Admin role you won't need to add Business Process Manager and Progressive Capture Manager roles to your user as the admin role should already include these two other roles.

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