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Workspace Connections/Mentions

Martyn Houghton

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Similar to Mentions in Workspaces where you can link in a 'User' into the Workspace update, is it possible or are there any plans to allow a similar functionality for Service Manager Requests?

It would be good if you could enter a request reference which provides a preview of the incident title/contact as you enter the reference. Once you enter the reference it could then insert a timeline entry on the request to advise 'Has been mentioned in workspase xxxxxxx' and provide a hot link in both directions to open the request from workspace and workspace from the request.



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Hi Martyn

If you paste the URL of a request into a workspace post / comment text then we will automatically embed this with a link and the title of the request.


Currently its not possible to show in a Request workspaces where the request has been embedded.

Kind Regards

Trevor Killick

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  • 1 year later...

Hi @Martyn Houghton

I was wondering if you have had a chance to use the BPM operations for Requests posting back to workspaces?  Documentation can be found here.  This works especially well when a request has been raised from a post using the Action menu on the post.  Your BPM workflow can comment back to the post at multiple times throughout your workflow and you can configure your workflow to provide links back to the post within your request timeline.  A manual paste of a request into a comment will not provide that two way link, however using the BPM operations might help with maintaining your links between post and request and would keep your posts up to date as the request progresses.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi @TSheward_SGW

Thanks for your post.  

8 minutes ago, TSheward_SGW said:

When you use the "/Workspace" to link back to a workspace it only lists the first 10

This is a little different from the operation provided in the BPM.  I did test and can see your issue.  I'll feed this back to the development team.  For now if the workspace is not on the list, the workaround could be to go to your list of workspaces and right click on the workspace you want to include in your post and then past the link into your post or comment.  It will then show as it does in the red box.


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Hi @TSheward_SGW

Looking at this a little closer, after you type /Workspace you need to then type part of the name of the workspace you are looking for to have the list narrow down.  The initial list shows the first 10 workspaces based on alphabetical order.  As you type the list will show the workspaces that match your text, including those that were not on the original list of 10.





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Thanks for the info @James Ainsworth really helpful! Will use the first tip as a workaround as think there is some strange behaviour due to how our workspaces are named.

We have quite a few in our list and are using the * character in order to "pin" certain workspaces to the top. Following your second post things work as expected on workspaces that aren't prefixed with *.

Thanks again,



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