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Not all requests displayed when using custom views


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Hi all,

More of an issue I think. I have created a view in Request List to view all closed tickets - STATUS - IS - CLOSED

I have run a Beat report query to look at the same information, and the number different is quite different (819 in beta reports to 573 in the Request list view).

I have checked Roles, Users and Organisation and it all seems fine. I can also see the ticket in the Request List when I search (support - reference is SR0001053), but still no luck.

Hope someone can help.



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Hi Lee,

This difference is between the reports and the request list is most likely a result of the request list being restricted to only requests that you are either a member of the team that is allocated to the request or you are a member of a team that supports the service that the request is associated to. In the reporting within the Admin portal, there is greater visibility to all the request records.

If possible, identify a request that is in your report, but not visible in the request list. Once identified, check to see the team and service assigned to that request and compare this to the teams and services allocated to you. If these do not match, you would not be able to see it in the request list.

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Hi James,

I have found a number of tickets, that appear on my Beta report, but not request lists.

I have looked at the Organisation structure and it seems ok. Can you please advise more on the Services allocated, as I'm not too sure what you mean. It's Friday, hope I can be forgiven :-)

Thanks in advance.


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Hi James,

Hope you had a good weekend.

I have noticed something else (I think). When someone within MIS raises either an Incident or Change from within Service Manager, it does not appear in the CLOSED view. For example, this morning I created and closed two tickets for two different people (SR*1114 and SR*1115), neither appear in the view.

I will keep testing but hope this helps.


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Hi Lee,

when creating a view, as you know you can simply define a single condition e.g. "Status is CLOSED". What you don't see, is that the views are hard-coded to consider your Team membership i.e. the view you create with the single condition specified here, will actually be performing the following:

Get Requests


Status = Closed


Team Id = My/Team/A


Team Id = My/Team/B


Team Id = ...........

and so on.

Therefore at the moment, if you are not a member of a team to which a request belongs then this will not be returned in the request list view..... but please read on below:

As James also says, this should also take into account the Teams that Support each Service against which a request is logged. Therefore if you are a member of a team that supports a number of Services, in your request view you will be able to see requests assigned to other teams by proxy of a Service i.e. as long as the team that you are a member of supports the service against which one of these requests is raised.

I hope that makes sense, it does take a little bit of thinking about. Also, the last part regarding the services will be true when a defect is addressed in SM 2.24 (FIX: Services and teams are both respected when filtering the request list PM00138573).

Until this fix is released, it will be necessary to specify each Service you want to return in a Condition i.e. "Service is Service A" etc.

I hope that helps,

Let me know how you get on.


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