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I would like to direct the users in what to enter and really would like to remove the summary and description field as they have already answered the questions. However this results in a blank title being displayed next to the reference number. Is there a way to automatically populate the summary field with what is checked in the simple data list or from the category that is selected? as w are finding the user is having to type information or select the information more than once and is confusing. If we leave it with the default request form it will mean more work for the analyst and what is typed may not be enough information.

I have tried to add a field on the customised form but this did not work.


Hi Marion,

If you do not wish to present the "Request Details" form (used to capture the Summary and Description) in your Progressive Capture flows, it is possible to populate these fields using an Automated Task (the Blue-coloured Node) in your BPM workflow.

After placing a new Automated Task node on the BPM design canvas, configure as follows:

Scope = Entity

Entity = Requests

Type = Update Request

Task = Details

This operation will then give you the option to specify some content to put in your Summary field. Please remember that when configuring the node, the "Request Id" field must be left to automatically pick up the value and the other Options must have a value specified against them.

With this approach, all requests that have the BPM associated will contain the same summary content, so I would suggest perhaps including a Human task that prompts the analyst to add more specific detail to the summary and/or description based on the information the customer has supplied (stored in the Questions section).

The full range of BPM operations can be found at: https://wiki.hornbil...rocess_Workflow

I hope that helps,



  • Victor changed the title to Populate summary field from other request fields

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