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I have created a copy of a IC and have made amendments to it to reflect some required changes. The IC has been saved, published and tested and I am getting a process warning, but there are no nodes experiencing issues, and the form works fine. 


Why am i getting the warning if nothing is broken



IC process warning.jpg


The most likely one from the description is that this is a copy, so some variable references are no longer valid.

The effect of this can be the Capture not running at all, or an answer missing its data, or a conditional question not appearing etc.

As stated in the warning, you need to check what the issue is and whether it will cause you problems.


Hi @katy_palmer

If you double click on the custom capture node you should get the following Custom Form display.


Under the Form Fields section there will be one or more fields defined.  You can go into each field by clicking on the edit icon that is immediately after the description.  In this view, you'll be looking for variables, usually identify by &[[square brackets]] or {{curly.braces}}.


If you don't see any variables within any of your configuration, you can try to make a minor change to something like the Display Title of the Final Details node and follow through with a Save and Validate. 


If you hover mouse over the warning icon on the actual node in question it should show a tooltip which should say what the issue is....what does the tooltip say? 


so like this...if this is the case then as the others have mentioned in that node there is a bad variable or form reference in one of the form fields. Note in the screenshot james provided above when editing a field there is also the "Override Flags" tab, check that for any conditions that might be refrencing another form that no longer exists (maybe a formId was changed on a previous form)



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