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I have the following setup that keeps failing. Am I missing something obvious?

I want the get asset information node to then make a decision based on a System Asset of "Other" and go down one route if it matches the System that was selected in the Intelligent capture form.

As below




I have also tried setting the task section to System Asset to match the class where the Asset is located. Neither seemed to work.





I have tried just having the Asset Name as "Other" and not the class or type included but it still fails.



Hopefully it is something simple and straight forward I have missed?





13 minutes ago, lee mcdermott said:

Hopefully it is something simple and straight forward I have missed?

That node requires an Asset ID:

You must set the Asset ID by changing the option from Auto to Manual or Variable and providing the value.


@Steve Giller


that is now sort of working.. well it isnt failing anyway, but the branch doesnt work?

I have 



the decision node

is configured as below



when I select the software as Other which is that Assed ID it works, but if i select something different it still goes via this route and sends an email still rather than going the No Match Route?


Any ideas?



If you've made any changes to the Get Asset Info node I would suggest recreating your branch expression from scratch, using the variable picker to ensure you're getting the latest information about/from the edited node.

I've built very similar to test and mine is working as expected.


@Steve Giller


i have tried deleting and re adding but I cannot get it to either go no match or the other route if it matches when the software it was logged against is other?


ive tried setting the decision as the name of the software but then it just went down the no match route each time regardless of what it was logged against. I set it back to using the asset id on the decision and now it goes down the decision route even if it matches or doesnt match so either way it cannot distinguish against what was actually logged?


would it definitely be checking against the asset actually linked to the call or could it just be checking the asset id Ive told it to set manually on the asset node and therefore not actually taking into account the call that was logged and the asset attached to that call?






@Steve Giller

yeah thats how I had it configured and it wouldn't work. So I changed it to task type of basic which didnt work either so i set it back to asset class of "system" under "task".

It still wont work. I have it set as below

The asset is in the Class of "System" which it says is a Non IT asset class. Not sure if that matters?

The 3 areas below can you see anything obvious thats wrong? I have also tried changing the decision node to query the asset name of "other" rather than the asset ID but that didnt work either.






@Steve Giller


any thoughts on the above and why this wont work?


I am still confused why you have to specify exactly what asset you want to get in the get asset node when the asset selected on logging could be anything.


any help would be much appreciated



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