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Passing tickets between Users supporting different Domains

Damien Lynn

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Hi folks,
We've fairly recently started using multiple domains, our Services are set up in the Service Catalog so that only the teams that support that domain can see those tickets in their queues.  I've had a request to be able to pass some quite specific tickets that occasionally need passed from one of our IT teams to one of our teams outwith IT.  Are any of you doing anything similar and if you are, how are you achieving this? Without adding both sets of team members to the full Service I'm not sure if this is even possible?  Any advice appreciated.


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Hi Damien,

Thanks for your post.

These tickets that are being passed to the non-IT service a permanent reassignment?

Whether it is a permanent or temporary assignment you may find that you can take advantage of the Custom Buttons on a request.

Using Custom Buttons for providing temporary access, you could run an Auto Task that adds a number of individuals as members on a request using the following Hornbill Automation


Using Custom Buttons for a permanent reassignment to another service and team you could run an Auto Task that changes the service of the request and then do a team reassignment.

Change in Service


Team Assignment


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