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We've just noticed that when using the File Upload field type in a customised IC form, or the Attachments standard form, the files are not being added to the request. Have tested over multiple established forms in our instance.

Can you advise if just us?

Please & thank you


I can confirm this, we've also noticed this as of this morning. It seems to work when logged in the Analyst context, but definitely doesn't seem to be working when logged through the portal.


Hi all,  we have the same issue affecting only the tickets raised via the portal (hornbill company homepage) whoever we have managed to upload documents on the screen the user see's with the ticket confirmation reference, using the upload tab next to the update tab, not sure if anyone else has this setup?




Is there any update on this? Looks like its still an issue this morning, I had avoided logging a ticket as I assume this is a system wide issue and not something that needs fixing for each instance?


We have identified an issue in this area and are working on a fix - if there are no further issues identified in testing this should be resolved in the next Service Manager update.


Also found we are having this issue.    Hope the next release isn't too far away we are really dependent on screen shots for some of our tickets.





We have a few process that actually require an attachment be added by customers so this is impacting us as well.  Can we get an idea of when we should expect this fixed so we can publish something to our customers?


After telling my customer that we don't need to test the Mandatory Attachment function as it is standard and used daily. I've found myself to view an attachment within the SR.


The attachment session isn't visible. If I add an attachment within the SR, it becomes visible but any attachment added through employee portal is gone.



5 hours ago, Steve Giller said:

We have identified an issue in this area and are working on a fix - if there are no further issues identified in testing this should be resolved in the next Service Manager update.

Is there a scheduled release for this update or do you release them when fixes are needed? Any info I can pass on would be helpful. Thanks for your hard work!


Hello it looks like we were late to the party on this, but I have had a report that we do seem to be impacted. Has this fix been pushed to all instances, or only those that were impacted in the above post?


Many Thanks


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