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I have uploaded our Laptops/Desktop assets to HB, and also all Desktop Applications.
I now need to link a given Laptop to its n installed applications.

Should be simple enough, right?

I have seen the Doco here:

Including the example json.

Are there any more real-world Json examples available? 
Anything specific to linking Laptop to Desktop Application asset types?

Looking at the many variables/parameters in the Asset_rel_import json, most which I don't fully understand,
I will probably be running this around 200 times before I get it working 😞  

Can I get some guidance on this?


Hi @SteveJM,

The Configuration section of the documentation provides a detailed break down of the variables available along with descriptions. 

Based on the details on this page, I believe the Hornbill Tag would be key here.

Please have a look through and let me know if you need anything further.


Thanks for the response; Let me ask the question in another way.
I can go into HornBill and link the Desktop App Asset: Citrix Receiver 4.9 to Laptop Asset: LAP-12345 
It only takes a few seconds to link the 2 Assets, and there are no hoops to jump through.

On the Asset relationships json (below), there are numerous fields to specify: 
I believe the Parent and Child are as follows ( see in YELLOW)
What about the Dependency and Impact?   What do they mean in this context?  Can you give possible Values for these fields? 
I believe Hornbill should stay as "Name"

Again, what does this mean? Possible values? How do I establish the values I require?  Do I define these values?

Please explain what this is. Impact of what is being defined here?

I have read the documentation you mentioned.




I managed to run the asset_rel_import.exe tool successfully on a small set of data;

In the JSON, the values in AssetIdentifier are mainly dynamic, based on the results from your SQL,
e.g. Parent Asset name, Child Asset name, dependency and Impact are set, line by line from your SQL result set.

The Dependency Mapping and Impact Mapping are static, and should reflect what is in your Hornbill Instance (See Pic)
To see what is set on your Instance, manually create a relationship between two assets, then drill down, you will see what is available on the pull-down list.
e.g. We have 3 dependencies configured: "Installed On",  "Depends On", "Connected To". So these were added to the supplied JSON, replacing what was there.
We had Impact's of Low, Medium and High, same as the  supplied JSON, so no change required there.


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