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HI all,

Victor did some amazing work with us yesterday as we look to add some asset centric ticketing. Just for some background, we are adding a lot more security vulnerability work into our normal processes but we don't necessarily need to know the customer for raising a ticket, just he asset ID from some compliance reporting we run. Especially as a lot of the fixes we can deploy are silent and we won't need to contact the asset owner etc.

One thing that troubled both of us though was the need for a custom button on the asset screen to fire an Auto Task needing to have a pre-defined Request ID. For what Victor set up for us, this isn't needed and adds an unnecessary link to an existing call. I have a work around to use a non-SLA bound CH in this field, but it seems a little unnecessary to have this:


Possible feature enhancement to remove this or at least make it optional please.




So, its not so much the button or auto task that forces a requestId as that is an optional predefined field, but if you are using hornbill automation nodes, then it is that that requires it. Some possible options:

If you have iBridge you could use the cloud automation that does not require a request ID OR you could use the Cloud automation to make an http request and use the API, but the first option is much simpler :)






@Jim It's not something I've played that much with but can give it a go. Still feels very much like a workaround though as a standard automation node to log a new incident should suffice.


The requestID is entirely optional, however we use it for other purposes when calling autotasks on Asset custom buttons.

Autotasks can be defined with optional parameters, however the custom buttons definition screen cannot make use of these, so we use the requestID field to populate what should otherwise be custom autotask parameters.

Removing this capability would severely affect our current processes.


if it's not mandatory (appreciate it will let you save the button details with null value) then I'm really not sure why I get this? The Autotask is a simple 2 node task with new request and update request nodes, update request of course using the new request ID



It appears that one of the nodes in your workflow is trying to use the requestId parameter and is unable to find a valid value (based on the error message).

Most likely, your update request node is using the Global input -> requestId (&[global["inputParams"]["requestId"]]) parameter instead of the requestId from the new request node output (usually &[global["flowcoderefs"]["logRequestServiceRequest"]["newRequestId"]]).



it doesn't get as far as the called workflow from the new request, it seems to fail within the Auto Task and I am using the newRequestID within the Auto Task to update the ticket. The only way I can get round this error is to populate the custom button with a reference in "requestID" in the custom button set up.

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