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When creating or inspecting Roles in the Admin Tool there is no pop-up help

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@Martyn Houghton

Ok so there is a bit of a long story here... those rights are from a time when we implemented profile codes in a way that where designed to be centrally administered in platform admin area,. What we are referring to at the "profile code categories" were morphed into what we call "profile code sets" today.   Previously, you could use the platform admin to create any number of "profile code sets", which is why there were rights to control the ability to do that. 

Fast forward to today, creating a "profile code set" is a function that only our application developers do, there is no option for a customer to create a profile code set any more, even when there was, a customer could create one, but then was basicalluy useles because you could not do anything with the code set other than create profile codes.  so the API's and rights that control creating profile code sets (profile code profiles in old terminology) are essentially obsolete.

As you probably know, Service Manager creates/ships by default with two profile code sets, Problem and Resolution profiles, these are essentially hard-coded into existence by our SM application team, and today, you will see there are two seperate nav links to these profile codes in the SM admin area, so is much simplified from before as we move more and more of the admin tasks that relates to SM operation into the SM admin area and out of the platform area. 

So, masically you can ignore the xxx Profile Categories rights,  they do not do anything and will be removed soon. 

There is a secondary flaw here inasmuch as the platform admin rights to control the management of "profile codes" really no longer make sense in this context, what needs to happen is, each application that make use of profile codes needs to provide their own admin rights/access controls for that function, this is really a technical debt item for our devs, for now its a bot of a faf because you still have to administer these rights in the platform admin, which also means these rights are global for all apps that make use of profile codes. 

Hope that makes sense


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On 15/07/2024 at 23:53, Gerry said:

There is a secondary flaw here inasmuch as the platform admin rights to control the management of "profile codes" really no longer make sense in this context, what needs to happen is, each application that make use of profile codes needs to provide their own admin rights/access controls for that function, this is really a technical debt item for our devs, for now its a bot of a faf because you still have to administer these rights in the platform admin, which also means these rights are global for all apps that make use of profile codes. 

I suspect that the moving of the profile codes from Platform to Service Manager has affected the original 'xxxxx Profiles' system rights. We will check and log a Support Requests once we can confirm this.



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  • 2 weeks later...

@Martyn Houghton and everyone, I have a more general update to this thread.

As Gerry says, the profile code sets and associated functionality have been moved out of the platform and into the relevant applications. What this means is that under the Platform area of the Admin Configuration, there is no longer a link on the left hand side for 'Profile Codes'. Instead, (in the case of service manager) you will see under the Service Manager area of the Admin Configuration, Request Profile Codes and Closure Profile Codes links.

Previously (and currently), the ability to see all three of these links was/is controlled by the system right (data): groupB.manageProfileCategories. Over the coming platform releases, this system right, along with 3 other system rights (groupB.createProfileCategories, groupB.updateProfileCategories and groupB.deleteProfileCategories) will all be removed. This is being done because they are no longer needed anywhere on the platform.

In the next service manager update, we will be changing the permissions that are required in order to see the Request Profile Codes and Closure Profile Codes links under the Service Manager area of the Admin Configuration to the application right groupA.administerServiceDesk. This same application right is what is used to control access to many of the admin functions in service manager such as routing rule templates and scheduled requests. In terms of associated roles, this application right is associated to the 'Service Desk Admin' role out of the box.

The short of this should be that for those that have the Service Desk Admin role, they will be able to manage Request Profile Codes and Closure Profile Codes without the need to change any configuration or create any new custom roles.


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