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What do you most want from Hornbill Docs?

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Hello, Hornbill Community! I've recently joined the Hornbill staff with the mission of evolving our docs site. I would love to hear your thoughts. As users of Hornbill, please tell me: what are the most important improvements you would like to see?

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As an administrator I find a lot of the content in docs is basic overview information rather than how to do something.
It would be great to have video content which was previously in the WIKI and showed how to do something

e.g. how to set up a service, use a workflow to setup an authorisation, or update custom fields etc.

I personally like to see visuals and screenshots when trying to understand how something works, and the docs portal is currently very text based.

As an example I am currently trying to work out how to update amended change dates in a workflow and cannot find any information in Docs on how to do this.

The wiki used to list workflow nodes and what they do and show an explanation of the options in the node.  This was really useful and is missing from the docs portal.

Examples of common workflow or intelligent capture setups/definition files would also be very helpful.

If this content is elsewhere then please add the links to it e.g. if it is now in the Academy.


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