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Asset Import Utility (4.9) - "xxx" is not a valid Hornbill instance" error

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Trying to run the asset_import.exe latest version on new machine.

Using this procedure: Running an Import (hornbill.com)

At the prompt we enter the 3-digit instance ID and we get the error. Note sure where to go with this now.


Note that the User running this has a valid API key on the instance against their profile so we are ready for the API key to be entered but not getting that chance.

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@Berto2002 the service whitelist information is in here: https://docs.hornbill.com/hornbill-cloud/firewall-ips-ports, and *.hornbill.com is also listed in the asset import docs here: https://docs.hornbill.com/data-imports-guide/assets/overview#network, along with HTTP proxy instructions. I can see files.hornbill.co isn't in the import docs whilelist, so I'll get that added, along with a line in the troubleshooting section about the above error.

The URL you can check is:


When I hit that endpoint from outside the Hornbill network I can see your API endpoints as expected.



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  • 2 weeks later...

@Berto2002 Yes that's working - this may be an access issue via the terminal though if that information was read via your browser, so you'll likely need to set the HTTP proxy details in the terminal as per my previous post.



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@Steve G we've managed to get the asset importer working but I think there are couple of shortfalls in the document.

We received an error that this was missing from the allowed permissions: "session:getApplicationList".

I think this needs to be added to the API Key Rules: Authentication (hornbill.com) because after we added it that particular error did not recur.

It then failed with an error saying "Asset Type [Laptop] not found in instance. Check the AssetTypes section of your configuration".

We do have a Laptop type.

So I removed ALL the rules from the API and it ran ok.

So I think there is a SECOND rule/permission missing in the documentation for this to work please.

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Hi @Berto2002,

You're looking at the wrong page, you've linked the API key rules for a User import, not an Asset import :) The asset import API requirements are listed here: https://docs.hornbill.com/data-imports-guide/assets/authentication, which already had the session:getApplicationList API listed.

I did notice in passing a couple of others that needed adding to the list, from recent releases, so I've done that and it'll be published shortly.


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