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Session->Site Name variable in IC branch condition is empty?

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I'm trying to use the "Session->Site Name" in an IC branch condition, however it seems that variable is not set.

The Site Name is correctly available for use in descriptions and labels when using {{user.siteName}}, its just not getting populated in the "Session->Site Name" variable.

Am I missing something, or is this normal behaviour?

I tested this by using the conditions: "Session->Site Name", "is set" and "is not set" and display a different form based on the condition, each form including a label showing: {{user.siteName}}.

In my tests, the "is set" condition is never followed and only the "is not set" form is ever displayed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Gareth,

Thanks for your post.

After some investigation some issues were found with both the site name and the user's manager name.  A fix has been completed and it will be available in an upcoming release of the platform.

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