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Hi everyone,

We have a workflow that posts any new change requests and updates to a Microsoft Teams channel. We want to mention the channel using the @mention command whenever updates occur. We've tried various options to tag the channel, but it always ends up as plain text @change notifications rather than a proper channel tag/mention.

Has anyone successfully tagged a channel? If so, what HTML code did you use?




Hi @Dan Brown,

Normally HTML code can be used to enhance the Teams message sent.

That being said, adding tags/mentions is a little more involved (see: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/teams-developer/can-we-create-tag-inside-team-using-graph-api/m-p/1200381 (*)) which we are currently NOT catering for in our use of the API.

(*) The payload being sent to Teams wouldn't just be the (HTML) message, but also placeholders and definitions for each of the mentions.

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