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"Email Template" selection only affecting Email action not email used for Customer visible Timeline Updates


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I thought that selecting the Email Template here:


Would mean that that email template would used for all Customer-visible Updates made through the UI but in my testing it continues to use the default as per the application setting:


Of course, that template does become the default one used when entering the Email action of the Request. But is it correct that the setting only impacts the Email action and not the background default template used for all updates?

Wouldn't it make more sense for it to do both?

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  • Berto2002 changed the title to "Email Template" selection only affecting Email action not email used for Customer visible Timeline Updates

The two settings serve very different purposes:

The email Template on the pictured configuration is for manual emails that you would expect to be edited/added to by an Analyst via the Email Action, and therefore the content would be fully under that person's control.

The customerTimelineUpdate setting is a fully automated response that cannot be edited in real time, and is intended to alert the Customer to the fact that there is a Customer-facing update and they should view the Timeline of the Request to see it.

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