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Enhancement: allow Comments against Updates on the Timeline to be enabled/disabled per Service


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I request that a setting be introduced to allow Comments against Updates on the Timeline to be enabled/disabled per Service.

Use cases / reasons:

  1. We are looking to expand the use of the tool to other teams and some are saying they don't want the 'social media' style chat. They want only a timeline of updates which is chronological and not 'chatty'.
  2. Comments can be on any past timeline update and it's hard to track who said what and when and to find the right update through a long timeline
  3. We are using Collaboration licences more and we have a way to reveal latest Updates to the Collaborators; but we cannot reveal Comments on Updates so this function risks missing out on information from the customer
  4. We use Microsoft Teams for all our collaboration and have custom buttons and BPMs that create Teams channel chats for this sort of banter so we don't want it in two places; the Hornbill Request timeline is reserved for 'material' updates

As more advanced thinking here, some of our Teams use Jira and this has a lovely native integration of Teams channel chats into the tickets as the timeline. Just as we have asked for an enhancement to enable Update notifications to be sent through collaboration platforms (rather than just email), I would like to see the ability to replace the whole Timeline with a timeline integrated from a third party like Teams/Slack etc.

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