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Integer Custom Fields


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As we all know, custom fields 26-30 are Integer fields. 

I don't know about you, but we have only ever used maybe one of these in our ICs as there are very restricted rules around what an integer can be (i.e. you can't use it for telephone numbers), so we generally have these 5 custom fields un-used, yet we are crying out for more custom fields to use for other text-based fields.

Is anyone else in the same situation?

If the majority of customers don't use custom fields 26-30, then is 5 too many?  Maybe we could ask for a couple of these to be changed to text customer fields instead?  I'd be interested to hear people's views.




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I find the integers very useful as "flags" to denote a pathway through a BPM.

For example, for our s/w request process, we have about 4 cases go through the same BPM (simple install, licenced install, software with account and new app request). At the start of the BPM I map 1,2,3 or 4 to a custom field depending on IC form choices or Simplelist Values and that determines the path that Request takes through its lifecycle where each stage looks for 1,2,3 or 4. I just needed to make the leap from storing text values for these things to using numbers and now I don't have enough integer fields...!

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