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Subscription level reached (but it hasn't)

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We get the following message when a new user tries to logon:
Authorization failure: You are allocated rights to the 'com.hornbill.servicemanager' application but your organizations subscription level for this application has been reached. Please contact your system administrator

But we haven't run out of licenses.

Can anyone assist with this?

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It is worth keeping in mind how subscriptions are allocated to users.  There are two ways an application subscription can be applied.

1. You can add users to the User List of an application to allocate a subscription license.

2. If you assign an application Role that has a User privilege or higher, for example,  the Incident Management User rolea subscription will be automatically allocated to that user for that app.  If you have user imports that are automatically adding application roles, you need to keep an eye open to make sure that this doesn't maximize the subscription levels.  

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