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Hi @Giuseppe Iannacone

The backend roles and rights will not have changed with the new Configuration.  The roles described in the documentation should still be valid.  The Admin user doesn't automatically have access to everything, but an admin does have the ability to add any role to the admin account to gain access.  

There are a number of places that are being worked on to update the documentation and remove the old admin portal information.  Thanks for pointing this out.

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@James Ainsworth thank you, but this doesn't answer my question :)
I've assigned the admin the indicated role "Advanced Reporting Admin" but this seem to me to be not enough, also from the wiki it seems a secondary role is required, but I was unable to find a secondary role that has the "Execute Stored Queries" and "Update Records" system rights


thank you!


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@Giuseppe Iannacone On my Instance giving the Collaboration, Advanced Reporting, and Admin roles grant access to the Entity Explorer.

These would be the minimum - Collaboration grants "Full User" status, Admin gives access to the Admin View, and Advanced Reporting to the Entity Explorer.

In addition you will need an Application User role for each Application you wish to see, in order to enable that Application's tab within the Admin View.

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